Tips on Becoming Fit

As promised, I’m back with some tips and suggestions to help us all become more physically, mentally, and spiritually fit. 

Physically fit: 

Personally, I love spinflex and spin class & do that 3 times a week. The other 2 days I attend another fitness class and each day I workout at least an hour. That’s one hour of the 24 hours in the day that we are given! One hour. No excuses. This wasn’t always me though. I had to decide to make it a priority.

 If you aren’t physically active at this point, you can take that first step and begin. Just aim for 30 minutes to start with. Thirty minutes of some type of physical exercise. Walking, riding your bike, running, jogging, taking a spin class, kickboxing, or even a sport like basketball. Something is better than nothing. Your goal is to get moving. Then, you can increase intensity and time. Don’t compare yourself to someone else. You do what you can do as you get started. 

Mentally fit: 

Now, in my opinion, physically exercising does make me more mentally fit. When I’m spinning or lifting weights, I’m having to use the mind over matter thing. Sometimes my body wants to stop and I have to tell myself “no mam!” And keep going. 

When I used to run and was training for a half marathon, it definitely pushed me mentally. Any exercise if you do it hard enough, will stretch you mentally. Your body is capable of a lot more than you realize. It’s your mind that has to suck it up and push harder and get stronger.         

Also, surround yourself with things and people who lift you up and encourage you. If you are constantly around negativity it will soon rub off.  If you are the one who is negative, think of how you can change to better yourself and encourage those around you. 

Spiritually fit:

The best moments in my day are first thing in the morning. And I’m NOT A MORNING PERSON. However, those first few moments are just for me and Jesus. I get my coffee, sit down at my kitchen table, open my Bible and journal, and I pray and read and listen. 

Those moments fuel me more than coffee ever could. It’s that intentional time that I spend with my Savior that fills me up. My sustenance for the day.

I encourage you to begin your day with Jesus. Whether it’s 5 minutes or 35. Begin it with him.

With praise and worship music, a devotion, scripture, prayer… However you choose. Spend it with Jesus. 

All three aspects of fitness go hand in hand. 

If I want to serve Jesus like he calls his followers to do, then I’ve got to be physically, mentally, and spiritually in shape. 

If you are already there in all three areas then FABULOUS!!

If you are slightly off balance (most of us are), you can do something about it now. 

Take that first step. Then keep going. Don’t stop. Push yourself to be the best that you can be with HIS help. 

See you back soon with tips and ideas for each of the 3 areas. Maybe some healthy recipes, some ideas for your workouts, and suggestions and tips for studying God’s word. 

“Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” ~‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:19-20‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Until Next Time,


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