Faithful and Steady

How many times have you heard of how God is faithful? How many verses in the Bible repeat that phrase? Countless.

I don’t know about you, but when something is repeated over and over I do one of two things. I pay attention or I tune it out. Now, hear me out. Think about it.

Have we skimmed over it because we have seen the phrase so much? Maybe tuned it out?

Here is the definition of faithful. (As found in Merriam-Webster )

And here are some words that are opposite of faithful (antonyms) and some words that are similar to the word faithful (synonyms).

Even when we are not faithful, HE is still faithful. Always. And that my friends is some of the best news I’ve ever heard.

This means that no matter what you or I have done, HE is still loyal.

No matter what mistakes we’ve made, HE is still dedicated.

No matter how far you have turned your back and walked away… HE is loyal, good, steadfast, true-blue, faithful.

“If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

He is for us. He is faithful. He can’t be anything other than faithful. We don’t deserve it. But that’s how it works with God. We can’t earn his love. We can’t stop his love. We can’t do anything to make him change his love for us. But we can receive it. We can give it. We can share it. And we can shine it.

It’s been a long while since I’ve written anything to share with the public.. on my blog. I’ve just not felt like writing or sharing. Even as faithful as God has been to me, I’ve still been in a funk of sorts and a season of lots of change and lots of waiting. HE is always working though. And steady. And so very good.

Be encouraged friends. You are never too far gone and please don’t listen to the lies of the devil that will tell you that you are alone and nobody cares. Because that’s not true. God doesn’t talk to us the way we talk to ourselves. He doesn’t condemn those who are his children. He convicts and that’s a beautiful thing..


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